Friday, January 23, 2015

Anti debug mechanisms - Windows

Been busy with some stuff so haven't got time to blog much at all. Anyway I was playing the Flare challenge and the last one was challenge 7 which was a 32 bit Windows PE file. I haven't yet managed to complete it due to some silly detail that I've overlooked :(. All the same though - there were a few really nice Antidebug and AntiVM mechanisms that I learnt about and thought of sharing. If I wait for the challenge to get over - I might end up never writing it :).

IsDebuggerPresent: This is one of the oldest tricks to detect a debugger. Usually the malware will call this function and check its return value. If its 1 it means it's being debugged.

PEB IsDebuggedBit: The PEB is a block that contains a lot of information about the currently executing process. One of the first fields in this structure is the IsDebugged bit. If the application is running inside a debugger, the value of this bit is 1.

SIDT: The IDT is a data structure that has the addresses of numerous functions that are called when specific interrupts occur on a machine. SIDT stores the addresses of the current Interrupt Descriptor Table (IDT) into a register. On a normal machine, the address of the IDT is lower than 0xd0xxxxxx. If the address is greater than that, the malware is running inside a VM.

VMXh:  There is a privileged instruction called IN. Meaning... it will run only in kernel mode - a normal user can't write an assembly program and call it. When in eax,dx executes, it fills up ebx...and if it has 'VMXh'... it's running inside VMWare. So malware will do this check as well to detect if its running inside a VM.

OutputDebugString: This API will try and print a string. That's it. But it'll be successful only if the program is being debugged. You'll see the string that was printed in the Log window of the debugger. Malware will probably check if the function succeeded and make a decision accordingly.

CC bit checking: The single byte CC stands for a software breakpoint. The moment you set a breakpoint, while debugging a program, the byte on which you set your program is set to CC. Malware might search an entire range of addresses for the presence of any 'CC' byte and exit if it finds one. Meaning... if there is a CC byte - there is also a debugger. There's no reason for one to be there if it runs normally.

NTGlobalFlags: If a program runs inside a debugger the offset 68 of the PEB (NtGlobalFlags) is set to the value 70. This value is set based on the values of some heap manipulation flags. Malware will check for this value and accordingly make a decision.

Apart from these 6 checks, the Fireye challenge also used the LocalTime64 API to check if the time was between 5 and 6pm on a Friday and would go down the wrong path if it wasn't.

Your filename on disk needed to be backdoge.exe. You needed to be connected to the Internet so you could get a couple of IP addresses ( and which was also used. Lastly it also retrieved a specific string 'jackRAT' from a Twitter post and used that as well.

Basically, each of these checks caused the code to XOR with a different string. If you went down the wrong path, it'd still XOR, but with the wrong string and your end result - which is supposed to be another PE file would be incorrect.

So that's where I'm stuck :( - I think I have all the checks down - but I'm missing some fine detail .. somewhere and getting an invalid file. Oh well, maybe someday - I think I will look at one of the online solutions now. I've spent a lot of time on this without much success.

Here are some references though which I found very useful:

I hope you learnt a few things. None of this is really new..honestly... but hey, it's just a place where I keep writing my thoughts out as I learn things.

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