Thursday, May 16, 2019

AWS - Compute - Container Services

Here is an image from the Docker website that describes how containers work.

Teams are increasingly building their workflows around Docker containers. Amazon has a few services that make this easier. This post briefly discusses each of these services.

ECR: This is a repository of pre-built images that you can build on your machine and then upload to AWS. So for example: You can build a Ubuntu image with a LAMP stack and any other custom packages and upload it to ECR. When other AWS services need to use that image for some other purpose, it is easily available.

ECS: Once the Docker images you built earlier are uploaded to ECR, one can use these images on EC2 instances to perform whatever computing tasks were specific to that container. This is where ECS comes in. Users can direct ECS to run specific containers that it then picks up, identifies EC2 instances they can be run on (creates a cluster of these) and then does so.

Once the cluster is ready, a task definition needs to be created. This defines how the containers are run (what port, which image, how much memory, how many CPUs and so on). When the task definition is actually used, a task is created and run on the cluster of EC2 images (each is called an ECS container instance) that were originally created.

An ECS agent is additionally installed on each ECS container instance that communicates with the AWS ECS service daemons itself; these agents respond to start/stop requests made by ECS.

The equivalent product on GCP is Kubernetes.

EKS: Kubernetes on Google has an architecture where there is a Kubernetes master node (the controller) and a number of worker nodes (equivalent to ECS agents on Docker containers) that send information about the state of each job to the master. The master then (similar to ECS) sends information about its various tasks that are running, to the Kubernetes daemon itself which uses it for some controlling purposes. Here is a diagram that illustrates this:

EKS on Amazon allows the Kubernetes master to be configured inside the AWS environment and allow it to communicate with deployments elsewhere, while simultaenously interacting with ELB, IAM and other AWS services.

Batch: If one has a job that one wants to schedule and run periodically while automatically scaling up or down resources as and when a job completes or takes up more memory/resources - AWS Batch is a good idea. AWS Batch internally uses ECS and hence Docker containers on EC2/Spot instances to run the jobs. Here is a nice guide that goes into an example of using Batch in a bit more detail.

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